

The Asunta Case Review

I recently stumbled upon a gripping six-part miniseries titled, "The Asunta Case," a true-crime adaptation that delves into the tragic story of Asunta Fong Yang, a 12-year-old girl found deceased after her affluent adoptive parents reported her missing. From the initial scenes, the narrative casts a show of mystery and foreboding, suggesting that all is not as it seems. 

Asunta, adopted from China as an infant by Rosario Porto and Alfonso Basterra, becomes the center of a perplexing investigation set against the backdrop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The series is dubbed which allows views to immerse themselves in the story fully.

As the story progresses, you see the mother struggling with mental health issues and the father's absence from the home. Porto, is soon suspected of killing her daughter after CCTV footage showed her driving towards their secluded country house with a long-haired girl resembling Asunta in the passenger seat.  

But here's the kicker!  Detectives to the parent's home to search for evidence.  Porto informs the officers that she needs to use the bathroom but chooses to go the one upstairs instead of the one on the first floor.  The officer knowing that this was BS, walked up with her. Officers discover an orange ball of twine, identical to the one used to bind Asunta in the trash bin. Suspicious?  

I won't spoil the rest of the series for you.  However, if you are like me, you will google the true story to compare to the mini-series. I binged this series in one day and was left profoundly affected by Asunta's story. This series will keep your attention from beginning to end.

I give this series 4 acorns out of 5. 
