

The Witcher Review

Hey there! Remember when I said I’d binge anything with Henry Cavill in it? Well, I wasn’t kidding around! “The Witcher” might be inspired by a book series I haven’t read (and honestly, I’m not planning to), but that doesn’t stop the show from being an epic fantasy ride. We’ve got Geralt of Rivia, the stoic monster hunter with a heart, brought to life by the one and only Henry Cavill. Then there’s the fierce Crown Princess Cirilla, portrayed by Freya Allan, and the powerful sorceress Yennefer of Vengerberg, played by Anya Chalotra.

Now, if tales of knights, enchantments, and mythical creatures aren’t your cup of tea, you might want to skip this one. But if you’re up for an adventure that’ll whisk you away to lands unknown, “The Witcher” on Netflix is your ticket. With three seasons out and a fourth on the horizon in 2025, you’ve got plenty of time to get caught up. So, why not give it a whirl and see where the story takes you?

I was drawn to this series because Cavill’s rugged Witcher looks piqued my interest. His long, white hair and those intense, monster-hunting grunts had me hooked before the story even kicked off. Now, let’s talk timelines—Season 1 is like a 40-year epic squeezed into eight episodes, and it’s a wild ride through four different timelines. I'm not going to lie, it’s a brain teaser, no doubt, but once you hit that second watch, it all clicks. The flashbacks weave into Ciri’s present-day journey, and suddenly, the puzzle pieces fit.

And about that backstory—Geralt’s encounter with Duny, aka Lord Urcheon of Erlenwald, is a real twist. Duny’s been secretly wooing Pavetta Fiona Elen, the granddaughter of Queen Adalia and daughter of Queen Calanthe and King Roegner of Ebbing., and when he crashes her engagement party in his cursed form, things get real. Queen Calanthe’s ready to go full beast-slayer on him, but Geralt’s not about that life. He sees past the curse and recognizes Duny’s humanity. The Law of Surprise? It’s a wild card, a promise of a future gift, often unknown, for saving a life. And in this case, it’s a person—talk about high stakes! So, buckle up, 'cause this tale’s just getting started.

So, the Law of Surprise, what is it you may ask? It’s like the universe’s version of a blind grab bag, and in this case, it’s a doozy. Pavetta and Duny tie the knot and bam!—his curse lifts, revealing the handsome chap beneath. As a thank-you to Geralt for his help in preserving his life, Duny unknowingly pledges his firstborn, who turns out to be none other than our girl Ciri. Fast forward, and there’s a prophecy spelling trouble for Ciri, leading to her parents’ tragic end and leaving her as Cintra’s last hope.

Ciri’s cooped up in a tower, but when war strikes again, she taps into some serious power, busting out and hitting the road. Meanwhile, Geralt’s got this paternal vibe kicking in, feeling the pull to find and shield her.

Time’s a bit wibbly-wobbly, but eventually, Ciri snaps out of a dream, Geralt’s voice echoing in her head, calling for Yennefer. That’s when it clicks—her grandma’s words, telling her to seek out Geralt. And wouldn’t you know it, fate’s got them on a collision course. They meet in the woods, share a heartfelt hug, and then Ciri drops the million-dollar question, “Who’s Yennefer?” Talk about a cliffhanger, right?

Grab your snacks and settle in, because Yennefer’s story is a wild one! She starts off as a young woman with a tough lot in life—think scoliosis cranking up the difficulty level. Bullied and battered, she zaps herself to Aretuza through a portal. There, she learns she’s been tagged for her impromptu travel, gets bought by a sorceress, and is totally written off by her stepdad. After a dark moment, she’s rescued by the sorcerer she met during her magical escape.

Plot twist: Yennefer’s got half-elf blood, which explains her initial physical struggles. But she’s not one to stay down. She rises up as a mage, mastering her powers and transforming herself into the stunning sorceress we all know. And let me tell you, her ambition is as fierce as her new look—she’s on a quest for ultimate power, even if it means wrangling a Djinn.

Enter Geralt, our brooding Witcher. He and Yennefer keep crossing paths, leading to shared confessions, a steamy bath, and, well, a bit more. Yennefer’s has this longing for a child, but fate’s dealt her a hand that says ‘nope.’ Geralt, equally unable to have kids, spills the beans about his Child of Surprise, Ciri.

Their journey’s a rollercoaster—they travel, fight side by side, and eventually go their separate ways. Fast forward to season 2, and Yennefer’s pulling a bold move: she snatches Ciri and strikes a bargain with the Deathless Mother for a shot at chaos magic.

It’s a saga, for sure, but trust me, it’s as entertaining as it gets. And Henry Cavill? He’s just unfairly good-looking, making the whole thing even more binge-worthy. So go on, give it a watch, and let me know what you think in the comments! 

I give this series a 5 out of 5 acorns (3 for the content and an additional 2 because Cavill is fine as hell in this series). 

