

Mean Girl Murders Review

There's something about those crime documentaries that just hooks you in. I don't know if due to morbid curiosity or learning what types of unhinged people are in the world.  "Mean Girl Murders" on the ID Channel perfectly blends everything I enjoy about a crime doc. It's like, you start watching, and you see these young girls, maybe teenagers or young adults, and they're just seething with jealousy over what someone else has, (typically a boy). It's wild how something so small can spiral out of control. 

Each episode is like peeling back the layers of a new tale where jealousy morphs into something so dark, so twisted, it's utterly captivating. It's that kind of intensity that keeps me coming back for more. Seeing these young ladies' lives spiraling out of control because of a rash decision is like watching a train wreck you cannot look away from. Seeing these young lives thrown away over fleeting moments of anger or jealousy is heartbreaking. 

The consequences are irreversible, not just for the victims, but for the perpetrators too, who end up facing a lifetime behind bars.  It's a lose-lose situation that leaves families torn apart and communities in pieces. This series does not shy away from showing the harsh reality of such impulsive actions, making it a powerful watch that is both a cautionary tale and a gripping drama.  It's a stark reminder of the preciousness of life and the devastating impact of violence.

This series is a must-watch. This series is a rollercoaster ride of emotion that you won't want to miss. I give this series 5 out of 5 acorns. 

